Vertical Timetable

In line with life-worthy learning, the College provides students with choice and agency by offering a vertical timetable with a choice of subjects across Years 8 to 12 and opportunities for self-directed learning.

Students from Years 7 to 11 engage in transdisciplinary learning that utilises the Makerspace in the new STEAM hub. These transdisciplinary units require the integration of skills and knowledge from a broad range of disciplines and challenges the more traditional approach to learning.

As we move away from a curriculum based around age, it is important that the College’s pastoral system reflects a similar philosophy.

Vertical House System

In 2022, Sacred Heart implemented a full vertical house structure from Years 7 to 12 which enabled us to support our students better – academically, pastorally and spiritually – building on the strong House spirit we have here at the College.

A full vertical house structure aligns more closely with our learning model.

The design of each student’s learning program is personalised based on learner readiness. As students complete each stage of their learning journey there is an increasingly diverse range of opportunities to design a program that meets their passions, capabilities and strengths. Each student’s learning journey is unique and our mentor groups reflect this diversity.

Personalising students’ learning programs requires each young person to be truly known and understood by one significant adult within the school, eg their mentor teacher. Having the same mentor teacher for six years enables them to direct the learning journey of the young people in their group with a greater level of understanding.

Our learning model provides students with opportunities to acquire knowledge and to develop skills. An inquiry model of learning enables our students to become collaborative, open minded and caring learners who are able to lead, show respect and work with others. A full vertical system supports students to develop these habits of learning by providing greater opportunities for informal leadership through peer mentoring, academic coaching and peer mediation. This in turn builds students’ sense of empowerment and self-confidence.

The wider range of ages within a mentor group enables the sharing of various experiences and knowledge helping to broaden horizons and provide a more holistic learning experience for each student.

The infographic below highlights our vertical house structure and we welcome any questions you might have. Please email us at

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