Student Space

On the last day of Grade 6 at the final assembly for Chilwell Primary School, Zahra Veitch 7DBO won the school's highest student award called the 'Richard Marles Outstanding Leadership Award’.

Winning recipients of this award from all primary schools in the Geelong and Region were then invited to submit a paper ‘Leadership - who inspires them and how they inspire others’ over the school holidays to the office of Hon Richard Marles MP. The student papers were judged by businesses leaders from Committee of Geelong and Chamber of Commerce.

Zahra (and the family) were invited by the office of Richard Marles to the Australia Day Ceremony for the announcement and presentation the ‘Geelong Young Leaders Awards 2020’ on Sunday 26 January. To their shock and excitement, Zahra won!!

Congratulations Zahra on receiving such a worthy award!

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