Padua's Year 12 Retreat

Last Wednesday, the year 12 Padua students and Mrs. Humphrey, Ms. Yeats, Ms. Chivers and Mrs. McMahon travelled to our Year 12 Retreat at the Holy Cross Centre in Templestowe. When we got to Templestowe we settled in and then started our activities; games outside and writing in our booklets and ended the night with a movie.

On the second day of Retreat, we started the morning with a walk around Templestowe looking at the mansions and ended up sitting in a park eating morning tea bonding with our peers. Later that day, we made origami boats and did a 30-minute meditation followed by other activities in our booklet. On the night of the second day, we had a short Liturgy outside in the chapel run by some of the girls and we ended the night writing letters to the special people in our life which resulted in tears and appreciation.

On the last day of Retreat we concluded our activities by doing a reflection, a bonding game and opening our affirmations from our peers which left everyone feeling happy and loved for the bus trip home.

Throughout the whole Retreat we were fed extremely well by the chef Ash and his team. Staying at the Holy Cross Centre was a relaxing and fun experience where friendships were strengthened and new friendships were made.

Kassidy Stephens PAMAM

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