Call It Out Student Podcast

Call It Out is a podcast led by students from Sacred Heart College and St Joseph's College in Geelong. Listening through the lens of young people the podcast episodes are an insightful journey into contemporary issues impacting them. Discussing themes such as gender equality, unhealthy masculinity, everyday sexism, healthy relationships and consent, we are given an intimate invitation into what young people think.

Episode 06: Unpacking the Man Box - Part 2

Welcome back to the Call It Out podcast for 2023. We are super excited to launch the new year with this episode. Come along with Mia, Olivia, Lachy and Colby as they interview educator and activist Ritchie Hardcore. Ritchie has extensive experience working with young people specialising in the prevention of violence of women, consent, the harm of porn and healthy relationships. In this episode Ritchie talks to us about the negative impacts of pornography, media and the music we listen to. CW: In this episode there is discussion of violence against women, pornography, suicide and sexual assault.

Episode 05: Unpacking the Man Box - Part 2

In our second episode Liam and Matteo further unpack what the Man Box is with Matt Walsh and Mark Kennedy. We hear through their lived experiences that aligning to rigid gender stereotypes and unhealthy masculinity does not benefit you as a man. Instead being vulnerable, in touch with your emotions and surrounding yourself with people that mirror healthy masculinity equates to men having far more positive outcomes in every part of their lives.

Episode 04: Unpacking the Man Box - Part 1

Come on a unique experience over two episodes as 5 St Joeys students, Jesse, Ben, Jaeger, Liam and Matteo interview 5 male teachers about their thoughts and experiences with the man box. The man box is a set of rules or rigid societal expectations on what a man should be. In the following interviews we learn that living by these rigid expectations doesn't equate to healthy masculinity and that by being vulnerable, in touch with our feelings, not aligning with unhealthy behaviours and showing love and care you can have a far more positive impact on yourself and others.

Episode 03: Breaking down gender stereotypes

Join Hannah, Colby, Zoe and Georgia as they reflect on their interview with Harry Garside. In this episode they discuss the importance of having respectful conversations with people that may have opposing views, how we can all break down gender stereotypes and the power of living an authentic life.

Episode 02: Harry Garside

An insightful interview with Olympic boxer Harry Garside on being your true authentic self. In this episode we discuss gender stereotypes, being in touch with the masculine and feminine within us all and the power of having respectful real conversations.

Episode 01

In our first episode we meet the College Captains from Sacred Heart College and St Joseph's College who introduce our listeners to our new Call It Out podcast. They discuss some themes that will be covered in upcoming episodes touching on unhealthy masculinity, micro aggressions and consent including unpacking that very confusing milkshake video.

Episode 01 is hosted by Hannah Brady, Ella Goodwin, Georgia McCardel (SHC) and Jaeger Fawcett (SJC).

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